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We are the Techno Dragons, team 15222 in FIRST Tech Challenge from Charlotte Mason Community School in Detroit, Michigan. 


CMCS is a small private school that strives to provide quality education. Our team is made up from students from CMCS and also home-school students that were interested to join. Our team started in 2018.


We have learned so much through our experience together and are working to continue to grow even more as a group. Last year when we were just forming, it was difficult trying to throw everything together without knowing what we were doing. Now we have more experience and have learned to plan what we’re going to do before actually doing it. It has been a challenge learning how to build, program, and drive a robot with our limited time, but we have powered through that obstacle, and feel ready for whatever other challenges are thrown our way. 


We have also worked to cooperate with other teams, such as when we went to an event at Detroit Cristo Rey to practice with our robot on a full playing field and to meet other teams. 


We built our robot to score the most points without being too hard or too complicated to build. It has a simple X-drive design with omni wheels facing different directions along the sides of the robot for ease of strafing. We also put a servo to drop our capstone, as well as an arm to latch onto and deliver stones. We decided not to build a claw to build a skyscraper, as we found that we could score lots of points without one and building a claw would be difficult and take a lot of time. We saw that you could get 50 points for your Alliance by just delivering a Skystone, moving the Foundation into the Building Zone, and then back out, as well as parking and navigating. We decided that if we could do those tasks consistently, we would be able to get enough points to be competitive in competition. 


We will compete in First Tech Challenge to learn about robot engineering while having fun! We will connect with other Detroit Middle Schools to see all Detroit FIRST Robotics Rise!

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